Crystal Resonance
Crystal Resonance
Stones and Crystals are little powerhouses of vibration and frequency. Vibration, color and frequency are very potent healing modalities. Nature has provided us with these little tuning forks packed full of resonance and energy that has the ability to tune and reprogram our physical and etheric bodies. Lets discover how using stones and crystals will bring new energy into your daily life, improve your wellbeing, expand your meditations, deepen your sleep, and so much more!

Aromatic Adventures ~ Introduction to Citrus Oils
Join me for an exploration into 11 citrus oils. We will examine them from a therapeutic, spiritual and esoteric perspective. Class will run about 90-100 minutes and open for questions at the end. This course is an excellent way for you to get familiar with essential oils and to decide which ones would best suit the needs of your home apothecary. Oils will be available for purchase after the class.

Take a mental break with guided meditation. Thoughtfully scripted meditations will help you to let go of stress, anxiety and worry while developing intentions for good health, reduced pain, manifesting thoughts into tangible reality and expanding your spiritual growth. Music will help your mind to rest and relax in the comfort of your own space.

Learn Your Tarot
Tarot was originally a a card game similar to “Life” The cards drawn told the journey of the “fool”. Today Tarot is used to give direction to yourself or a querent. Questions are brought to the cards, and several are drawn after shuffling while focusing on the intention of the reading.
If you are new to tarot, or want a deeper understanding of tarot and how to develop your readings whether for yourself or others, join us in this bi weekly workshop and get to know your cards, how to interpret them and how to create the best possible reading. Please bring your deck, a notebook and pen.

Journaling & Tea
There is so much noise and distraction in the world around us right now and it can be challenging to quiet the mind enough to maintain peace and balance. Grab your favorite cup of tea and sit down with Alicia Rae for an uplifting hour of thought provoking introspection. Bring your journal and a pen to take notes. Give yourself an hour each week to decompress, stay inspired, heal old wounds, make peace and find your mental and spiritual freedom.

Lighten UP! Good News & Positive Vibes (Copy)
Lighten UP with some good news and positive vibes!

Metaphysical Arts
Learn to identify your spiritual gifts, why you have them and their purpose in your life. We will explore the many tools and methods for establishing your connection to Spirit, developing your cues and language with your guides and ancestors, discerning entities, controlling metaphysical input, techniques for developing your gifts, protections, groundings, sharing your intuitive messages with others and so much more.

Take a mental break with guided meditation. Thoughtfully scripted meditations will help you to let go of stress, anxiety and worry while developing intentions for good health, reduced pain, manifesting thoughts into tangible reality and expanding your spiritual growth. Music will help your mind to rest and relax in the comfort of your own space.
Witchy "Kitchen" Craft ~ Decadent Facial Cream & Peppermint Foot Conditioner
Decadent Facial Cream & Peppermint Foot Conditioner
Stop spending money on pricey creams that are full of undesirable ingredients . Learn to make your own facial creams that are rich, emolient, and address a wide variety of skin types and needs.
iNGREDIENT list for the project:
Rose water, jojoba oil, calendula infused oil, kukui nut oil, shea butter, coconut oil, bees wax, essential oils. Containers for your product.
Catch the live presentation on:
DLive: https://dlive.tv/TheSicilianWitch
Flote: https://flote.app/TheSicilianWitch
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thesicilianwitch
Periscope: https://www.pscp.tv/SicilianWtch/follow
Tiger Network: https://tora3.com/TheSicilianWitch
All videos are archived on Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/thesicilianwitch

Journaling & Tea
There is so much noise and distraction in the world around us right now and it can be challenging to quiet the mind enough to maintain peace and balance. Grab your favorite cup of tea and sit down with Alicia Rae for an uplifting hour of thought provoking introspection. Bring your journal and a pen to take notes. Give yourself an hour each week to decompress, stay inspired, heal old wounds, make peace and find your mental and spiritual freedom.

Oil of the Month ~ Basil
Start the new year out with Basil for your apothecary. Learn how to use it in home remedies and what that contraindications and warnings are.

Metaphysical Arts
Learn to identify your spiritual gifts, why you have them and their purpose in your life. We will explore the many tools and methods for establishing your connection to Spirit, developing your cues and language with your guides and ancestors, discerning entities, controlling metaphysical input, techniques for developing your gifts, protections, groundings, sharing your intuitive messages with others and so much more.

Take a mental break with guided meditation. Thoughtfully scripted meditations will help you to let go of stress, anxiety and worry while developing intentions for good health, reduced pain, manifesting thoughts into tangible reality and expanding your spiritual growth. Music will help your mind to rest and relax in the comfort of your own space.

Learn Your Tarot
Tarot was originally a a card game similar to “Life” The cards drawn told the journey of the “fool”. Today Tarot is used to give direction to yourself or a querent. Questions are brought to the cards, and several are drawn after shuffling while focusing on the intention of the reading.
If you are new to tarot, or want a deeper understanding of tarot and how to develop your readings whether for yourself or others, join us in this bi weekly workshop and get to know your cards, how to interpret them and how to create the best possible reading. Please bring your deck, a notebook and pen.

Journaling & Tea
There is so much noise and distraction in the world around us right now and it can be challenging to quiet the mind enough to maintain peace and balance. Grab your favorite cup of tea and sit down with Alicia Rae for an uplifting hour of thought provoking introspection. Bring your journal and a pen to take notes. Give yourself an hour each week to decompress, stay inspired, heal old wounds, make peace and find your mental and spiritual freedom.

Perfuming with Essential Oils
Perfuming with Essential Oils
Natural aromatic plant oils are the primary component in perfume. We will take a scentual journey into the process of perfuming learning the language of the “Nose”, how to determine the note placement of the oils you wish to blend, what types of bases are best for your creation and how to store them properly. Perfuming can be used for creating beautiful ritual oils, gifts for friends and family or diffusing and scenting your space.
We will spend time each month in the technical and aromatic aspects of perfuming and create unique wearable fragrances for both men and women. We will discuss the finer points of blending for your home, office or business.
Catch the live presentation on:
DLive: https://dlive.tv/TheSicilianWitch
Flote: https://flote.app/TheSicilianWitch
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thesicilianwitch
Periscope: https://www.pscp.tv/SicilianWtch/follow
Tiger Network: https://tora3.com/TheSicilianWitch
All videos are archived on Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/thesicilianwitch

Take a mental break with guided meditation. Thoughtfully scripted meditations will help you to let go of stress, anxiety and worry while developing intentions for good health, reduced pain, manifesting thoughts into tangible reality and expanding your spiritual growth. Music will help your mind to rest and relax in the comfort of your own space.

Crystal Resonance
Crystal Resonance
Stones and Crystals are little powerhouses of vibration and frequency. Vibration, color and frequency are very potent healing modalities. Nature has provided us with these little tuning forks packed full of resonance and energy that has the ability to tune and reprogram our physical and etheric bodies. Lets discover how using stones and crystals will bring new energy into your daily life, improve your wellbeing, expand your meditations, deepen your sleep, and so much more!

Journaling & Tea
There is so much noise and distraction in the world around us right now and it can be challenging to quiet the mind enough to maintain peace and balance. Grab your favorite cup of tea and sit down with Alicia Rae for an uplifting hour of thought provoking introspection. Bring your journal and a pen to take notes. Give yourself an hour each week to decompress, stay inspired, heal old wounds, make peace and find your mental and spiritual freedom.
Witchy "Kitchen" Craft ~ Bath Salts & Milk Bath
Winter time is hard on the skin. Let’s make some wonderful body care treatments to keep the skin soft and prevent drying. Salted body scrubs are perfect for exfoliating while smoothing and softening and Herbed Milk baths are the perfect treat for taking a nice hot soak and relaxing.

Happy New Year!
Join me and Cory over at The Phoenix Enigma for a night of good cheer! We will be taking calls from viewers and recording everyone’s predictions.

Witchy Kitchen "Craft" ~ Making Black Salt
Black Salt
This spell casting ingredient is a staple for all kinds of witches. Black salt is a very handy ingredient to have in your cupboard, it can be used for protection, banishing and breaking hexes and can also be used for laying simple hexes and curses of your own. It’s useful for driving away anything and everything from depression, nasty spirits, other magic workers and even unwanted guests.
Black salt is also surprisingly simple to make! Using a mortar and pestle is ideal but if you haven’t got one you can just as easily mix your ingredients in a food processor or spice grinder though I would recommend thoroughly cleaning it afterward.
We will make a batch together!

Preparing for your Samhain
Samhain is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the "darker half" of the year. Traditionally, it is celebrated from 31 October to 1 November, as the Celtic day began and ended at sunset. This is about halfway between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice

October Oil of the Month ~ Tea Tree
Join me for an introduction to the therapeutic Tea Tree oil. We will examine this oil in a therapeutic, spiritual and esoteric perspective. Class will run about 55 minutes and open for questions at the end. This course is an excellent way for you to get familiar with essential oils and to decide which ones would best suit the needs of your home apothecary. Oils will be available for purchase after the class.
Join me on:
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/AliciaRaeTheSicilianWitch
Dlive https://app.clouthub.com/private/d33a6bcf-c970-450b-845c-ec98cd542522
Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/thesicilianwitch
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thesicilianwitch
Periscope https://www.pscp.tv/SicilianWtch/follow
Find archived classes on
Gab https://gab.com/SicilianWitch
Parler https://parler.com/profile/SicilianWitch/posts
Clouthub https://app.clouthub.com/private/d33a6bcf-c970-450b-845c-ec98cd542522

Homemade Herbal Remedies with Special Guest Kellye a.k.a. GreyMoon
Join me and a very special guest next week as we discuss 8 types of herbal remedies that can be made in your kitchen. With the ever growing cost of big pharma to your health and your wallet, now is the time to learn to make time honored remedies in your own kitchen.
You will learn the steps in each process and see a finished product for each type of remedy.
Get familiar with:
There will be a pdf of the recipes available after the class.
Let us know you will be joining in the comments below!

August Oil of the Month ~ Eucalyptus
August Oil of the Month ~ Eucalyptus
Join me for an introduction to the very versatile Eucalyptus oil. We will examine this oil in a therapeutic, spiritual and esoteric perspective. Class will run about 55 minutes and open for questions at the end. This course is an excellent way for you to get familiar with essential oils and to decide which ones would best suit the needs of your home apothecary. Oils will be available for purchase after the class.
You can attend live class with me on:
DLive at https://dlive.tv/TheSicilianWitch
Periscope at @sicilianwtch
Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/thesicilianwitch
Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/thesicilianwitch
The program will be archived on
Youtube Alicia Rae The Sicilian Witch
Brand New Tube - https://brandnewtube.com/@TheSicilianWitch
I look forward to taking you on this aromatic adventure! See you there!

Oil of the Month Introduction ~ June ~ Lemongrass
Get to know some things about Junes oil, Lemongrass. See you Online!

Aromatic Adventures ~ Introduction to German & Roman Chamomile
Join me for this workshop to learn how to make the proper selection when choosing Chamomile oil in your apothecary. Class will run about 55- 80 minutes and open for questions at the end. This course is an excellent way for you to get familiar with essential oils and to decide which ones would best suit the needs of your home apothecary. Oils will be available for purchase after the class.