Just for today, I will not anger
Just for today, I will not worry
Just for today, I will be grateful for all my blessings
Just for today, I will work with honesty and integrity
Just for today, I will be kind to all living things
Mikao Usui
What is Reiki?
[ra′ke] An Eastern healing tradition whose purpose is to re-balance the complex energy systems that compose the body when they have become out of balance. In this tradition, people are considered to be surrounded by an unlimited universal energy source from which the physical universe is built. The energy systems in the healthy body are in balance, but they can be disrupted by stress, and this unbalancing may have physical manifestations such as pain. The Reiki practitioner is trained to channel energy from the universal energy source, which flows through his or her hands to the body of the receiver. The result is the re-balancing of mind and body, the strengthening of body and spirit, the opening of energy blockages, the creation of a sense of well being, and the healing of illnesses. Reiki sessions are generally held in a quiet setting in comfortable surroundings and may be as short as 5 minutes for treatment of a specific part of the body or as long as an hour for a full-body treatment.
Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 9th edition. © 2009, Elsevier.
An energy healing system based on ancient Tibetan scriptures, which were rediscovered by Professor Mikao Usui in the mid 1800’s. Reiki (which translates from Japanese as “universal energy of life”) sessions are performed by practitioners who have been initiated through “energy attunement” by a Reiki Master, channeling Universal Life Energy to family, friends and clients. The Reiki practitioner is believed to act as a conduit for cosmic energy, which enters the top of his or her head and leaves through the hands.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
What does Reiki Do?
Reiki is a healing modality that offers many of the same benefits as traditional massage therapy, such as reducing stress, stimulating the immune system, increasing energy, and reliving the pain and symptoms of health conditions. Practitioners have reported success in helping clients with acute and chronic illnesses, asthma and arthritis to trauma, chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression and recovery from surgery. Reiki is a gentle and safe technique, and has been used successfully in many hospitals. It has been found to be very calming and reassuring for those suffering from severe or fatal conditions.
The Science Behind Reiki
"Independent research by Dr. Robert Becker and Dr. John Zimmerman during the 1980's investigated what happens whilst people practice therapies like Reiki. They found that not only do the brain wave patterns of practitioner and receiver become synchronized in the alpha state, characteristic of deep relaxation and meditation, but they pulse in unison with the earth's magnetic field, known as the Schuman Resonance. During these moments, the biomagnetic field of the practitioners' hands is at least 1000 times greater than normal, and not as a result of internal body current. Toni Bunnell (1997) suggests that the linking of energy fields between practitioner and earth allows the practitioner to draw on the 'infinite energy source' or 'universal energy field' via the Schuman Resonance. Prof. Paul Davies and Dr. John Gribben in The Matter Myth (1991), discuss the quantum physics view of a 'living universe' in which everything is connected in a 'living web of interdependence'. All of this supports the subjective experience of 'oneness' and 'expanded consciousness' related by those who regularly receive or self-treat with Reiki.
Zimmerman (1990) in the USA and Seto (1992) in Japan further investigated the large pulsating bio-magnetic field that is emitted from the hands of energy practitioners whilst they work. They discovered that the pulses are in the same frequencies as brain waves, and sweep up and down from 0.3 - 30 Hz, focusing mostly in 7 - 8 Hz, alpha state. Independent medical research has shown that this range of frequencies will stimulate healing in the body, with specific frequencies being suitable for different tissues. For example, 2 Hz encourages nerve regeneration, 7Hz bone growth, 10Hz ligament mending, and 15 Hz capillary formation. Physiotherapy equipment based on these principles has been designed to aid soft tissue regeneration, and ultra sound technology is commonly used to clear clogged arteries and disintegrate kidney stones. Also, it has been known for many years that placing an electrical coil around a fracture that refuses to mend will stimulate bone growth and repair.
Becker explains that 'brain waves' are not confined to the brain but travel throughout the body via the peri-neural system, the sheaths of connective tissue surrounding all nerves. During treatment, these waves begin as relatively weak pulses in the thalamus of the practitioner's brain, and gather cumulative strength as they flow to the peripheral nerves of the body including the hands. The same effect is mirrored in the person receiving treatment, and Becker suggests that it is this system more than any other, that regulates injury repair and system re-balance. This highlights one of the special features of Reiki (and similar therapies) - that both practitioner and client receive the benefits of a treatment, which makes it very efficient.
It is interesting to note that Dr. Becker carried out his study on world-wide array of cross-cultural subjects, and no matter what their belief systems or customs, or how opposed to each other their customs were, all tested the same. Part of Reiki's growing popularity is that it does not impose a set of beliefs, and can therefore be used by people of any background and faith, or none at all. This neutrality makes it particularly appropriate to a medical or prison setting."
Tamisha Sabrina- UK Reiki Federation
Where does Reiki come from?
Reiki was developed in the mid 1800’s by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese scholar of religion, who was intrigued by the idea that Christ could heal sick people by touching them with his hands. Searching for clues that would explain the secrets of healing with hands, Usui made a long pilgrimage around the world, visiting many ancient religious sects and studying ancient books.
During his intense studies, Usui had a spiritual experience during meditation in which he was shown the answers to the ancient texts he was exploring and was shown how to utilize universal life force and use his hands to share that energy to promote healing. He was shown the meaning of the ancient symbols now that assist the modern day practitioner in connecting with that universal life force. He was also taught that Reiki is a gift to mankind and available to all seeking its healing influence. He dedicated his life to helping the sick and poor as he healed sick people for many years in Kyoto, Japan and the techniques that he was given the stewardship of restoring to mankind, with others who carried on this tradition of healing. All Reiki Masters who follow the Usui Method can trace their lineage to Dr. Usui, and this method remains largely unadulterated.
The basic philosophy of Reiki
The basic concept underlying Reiki is that the body has an energy field that is central to its health and proper functioning. This idea of energy flow in the body is also a central concept in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, including acupuncture. Reiki practitioners believe that everyone has the potential to access the universal life energy. Reiki works on very subtle energy levels, or possibly works on the chakra system. The chakras are the system of seven energy centers along the middle of the body believed to be connected with the nervous and endocrine systems, as defined by yoga and Ayurvedic medicine.
Healing energy can even be sent to a person from far away, noting that Reiki works on the same principles that enables praying to work for some clients, although a practitioner needs advanced training to be able to send energy from afar. Today, the science of physics now has evidentiary proof that particles of energy can communicate even with billions of miles between them. The practitioner and the client schedule a time for the session with the client reclining in a restful position while the practitioner meditates and sends the Reiki to the client. Typically, the practitioner and patient then follow the session with a discussion of what was sensed and focused on by the practitioner and what the client experienced.
A Reiki session
Reiki is a simple procedure, consisting of calm and concentrated touching, with the practitioner focusing on healing and giving energy to specific areas on the client's body.The client lies clothed, on his or her back on a flat surface or massage table. Practitioners place their hands over positions on the body where the organs and endocrine glands reside, and the areas that correspond to the chakra centers.
Practitioners also use mental visualization to send healing energy to areas of the client's body that need it. In special cases of severe injury, or the clients' preference, a no touch technique is used, with the practitioner's hands held just a few inches above the body. Advanced practitioners rely on intuition and experience to determine which areas of a body need the most energy healing. Most clients report that they feel refreshed, rested, and relieved of physical discomforts. Some clients also experience warmth, or cooling from the practitioners hands, a tingling and even visualizing colors and images during the healing session. Clients report that the benefits and sensations of the session continue to be present for a few days following the session.
Side effects
Reiki generally has no side effects, as it is a very low impact and gentle procedure. Some receivers report tingling or sensations of heat or cold during treatment. Others have reported sadness or anxiety during treatment, which practitioners claim are buried or repressed emotions being released by the new energy flow.