
What are your dreams telling you?

Every person dreams. Typically, your dreams are the brain's method of unwinding the images, thoughts, feelings and messages of the day. It is how the subconscious mind makes sense of the massive amount of information it receives every second that you are awake. This part of your brain has no opinions, no agendas or biases. It simply unravels what your senses gather. 

Sometimes dreams can be startling and vivid and feel like an alternate awarenesss or reality. These dreams may feel like they last a lifetime or that they tell a story or even present a message with imagery that is accompanied by stark and vast emotions.  When these kinds of dreams present themselves with symbols and codes that want to be deciphered, it is very possible that Spirit is taking advantage of your restful, open and receptive mind to bring you important messages about life. 

I thoroughly enjoy the process of decoding these sacred messages and offer dream interpretation via email. When you purchase this service you will be asked to submit your dream in writing in as much detail as possible. I may respond with a few questions and then considering your answers, will follow up with your full interpretation.  

Spirit is speaking, are you ready to receive the message?