Body & Soul Meditation

January 14, 2021

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Today we had a wonderful guided meditation and I wanted to publish the points of the meditation.
This was a download I received in meditation in November of 2018. I felt that it was time to share it publicly.

  • My body is a constellation of healing creation.

  • My soul teaches my body the miracle of vitality, regeneration and fluid existence across tall dimensions and through time effortlessly.

  • My soul programs my cells with the sacred knowledge of physical everlasting.

  • My body is an efficient and rapid filter that easily destroys and eliminates all illness, disease and toxins.

  • My body functions within the law of gravity as a tool for remaining within this plane.

  • My spirit body is free to move through all dimensions whole and intact with comfort and ease.

  • My body is reprogrammed as it is needed to join my soul in the process of ascension comfortably.

  • My soul is my higher self, a living light body present in the cosmos. All light, knowledge, wisdom and answers are easily accessed and translated in such a way that my body can synthesize.

  • My body is a ground for my soul Astral existence is a natural state. Fluid awareness in always present and I can be conscious of all awareness at all times.

  • My body heals injury easily and perfectly.

  • My body is a vehicle for pleasure, a teacher through all pain and a gateway via procreation.

  • My body is the temple of my soul, a dwelling place of the divine.

  • My soul brings boundless harmony, peace, ecstasy and ascension to my body freely and easily, manifesting hope and purpose in my body, allowing deeply loving connections with other souls on all planes and dimensions.

  • My soul is free to communicate communicate with all souls, entities and beings in all forms, dimensions, and planes and it tranlates all communications into language that the body can assimilate and recall with clarity.

  • My soul is a portion of divine source. i am a messenger of light, love, healing and truth that creates light in the body which awakens the light in others and protects the body from the light consuming beings, the actions and choices of others and myself by casting shadows.

  • My body is the perfect vessel for my soul.

  • My soul and body are infinite.


November & December Oil of the Month~ Frankincense & Fir